It was sad to receive notification of the folding of handmadehobart due to public liability issues, but then the market, the barn market and EastSide I'm sure will take up the challenge .
Lawrie and I continue to be amazed every time we read the fantastic blog of "mphtravels" - Pia, my daughter and her husband Mark took off on a VERY belated honeymoon to the US on April 7, purchased a vehicle in Los Angeles and have driven some 26,000kms exploring the amazing countryside. I take my hat off to them as its been a real eye opener for a lot of people who never thought they would get there.......AND they are due to fly back to Australia on July 7; how exciting is it going to be to get the background to it all, even though the skype sessions have been great. All being well they're moving to Melbourne and of course I CAN'T WAIT.....somewhat easier to visit from this little island.
just a light hearted visual, I was outside exploring early one morning last week - yes in the cold, and the images I captured of the starkness and stillness were just beautiful - to me anyway, so thought I would share a beautiful image with you.